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Banned Books

At The Decentralized Book Store, We don't believe in governments or fringe groups telling you what to read or how to think! Please, read to your heart's content!

For too long, others have attempted to suppress knowledge that scares them. If the message does not conform to a centralized worldview to which "they" subscribe, "they" have resorted to burning or banning the books that contain that "scary" knowledge. "They" feel they can keep the world at a level of ignorance that is comfortable to them. At The Decentralized Book Store, we don't condone hate speech, pornography, condone terrorism, rape, pedophilia, or child abuse of any type. What we do condone is the spread of knowledge "they" find harmful to their protected worldview. Feel free to open your mind to the books "they" are scared of and create a more welcoming and forward-thinking world. Read at will!

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